
some Linux stuff for the geeks out there ;)

sources.list for ubuntu & some console commands

screenshots of some apps running on ubuntu linux

All Software you'll find on this page is the work of their respective Authors (all credits go to them). All Code is licensed under a free GPL (or another CopyLeft) License so you are free to modify, derivative, share, redistribute, ... this wonderful pieces of free Code - as long as you keep the Source open & accessible to everybody.


A guide on how to create a FIDO Security Key with the Open Source 'OpenSK' Software and a 10 € Makerdiary nRF52840 MDK USB Dongle.

A Install & Tweak Howto for ubuntu precise (12.04); Including helper scripts for Graphics Card switching on the Asus EeePc 1015PN Netbook

vdr 1.6.0 'Budget Card only' Version for ubuntu gutsy with softdevice for XV out.


myth 0.21 ubuntu gutsy packages,

a PVR / Media Center Software for Linux

a very nice Linux DVB player Software for Desktops

written in qt & uses vlc as player backend

another Linux DVB player, with Teletext & EPG support

deb package of version 0.6.1 for ubuntu

A GTK+ based player, that uses vlc as playback engine

originally design to view webstreams it can be used to watch DVB channels directly, or as a VDR streaming client (via streamdev)

more useful Software

ubuntu / debian builds of ProjectX (dvb demuxer & cutter), TVBrowser, ect.

a tiny last.fm streaming client